**You could also got here by the relation with LOVE SPELL the lotion from Victoria's Secret.**
You guys have been asked me for a real love potion since I posted about it.
And that was the answer I gave few people back then:
"oh darling... Love spells isn't a nice thing to try, trust me.
They make people do things they don't want...
They make people do things they don't want...
and you want the person to really want you,
does that make any sense?"
Being warnned of that, I happen to know one or two... and I do know one quite effective:
The recipe was not teached to me with the amounts, because you will know the right amount of your desire:
- Cook some sliced apples in honey, sugar and cinnamon, add some cloves and something yours (spit, parfum drops... to make it personal) and a bottle of red wine + water. Cook until apples are soft, put all in a bottle and let it cool and offer to him. Drink and eat with him and make sure he eat some of the apples, and you'd better be near after that or he will fall for other. Any other.
Trust me, the first time I did it, I gave him the bottle and wait for he drinks it, at the morning, later he went to a party and drink the rest of the bottle with a girl he had nothing to do with. They end up dating. Few years later he said he still don't know why they did that and why they dated... and that he was into me, so now I wish didn't do it. Few years later, I did it again with other guy, and totally worked again - I waited to drink with him, but, it's not nice doing a person do what you want. I wish now I did not do it too, although it worked fine by some years too.
TO MAKE IT WORK: You see, to make it work he must not know that it's a spell, believing and intention is the key - Always. Now that I'm thinking of it I've only cooked that one day before Beltane (eve), and serve it on Beltane so I'm not sure how it would work in different days.
TASTES: it tastes fine!! Just like a liquour. Now I skip the part that I would make it personal and serve to all guests at Beltane fest. I also cook with more women. Very fun!
Ah, and one more thing: be sure that you will have to bear the consequences. As I said, you must not interfere in one's will without being sure that you want to bear them. It always will come back 3x.
Interesting kind of Love Spells i did not know it existed but the fact that it does i will give it a go and see how it goes. Thank you for the spell