Esmalte Torpicália Blant Colors - Nail polish review

master of writing with wet nails. // mestre em escrever com unhas frescas.

Experimentei outro esmalte da Blant esta semana. Este é o Tropicália e está à venda aqui.
Além da cor neon bonita, ele tem mais brilho e secagem rápida.

I've tested more Blant's nail polish this week.  This is the Tropicália and it's being sold here.
It's not only has a pretty neon color, but also has a a great covering, shine and high speed drying.

Aliás, a Blant Colors se tornou uma queridinha minha! Amo-a.
Esmaltes baratos, de boa pigmentação é ótima cobertura!

In fact, I'm in love with Blant Colors nail polishes. It has became a dearest brand of cheap nail polishes to me. Love it! Cheap nail polishes with great covering and pigmentation. Don't require tons of layering.

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